Good luck with those resolutions and intentions. My word for the first week of 2023 is PESSIMISM.
The German language has quite a few animalistic verbs:
fuchsen ("to fox") = to annoy
hechten ("to pike") = to dive
reihern ("to heron") = to puke
dackeln ("to dachshund") = to walk slowly
aalen ("to eel") = to bask
vögeln ("to bird") = to have sex
einigeln ("to hedgehog in") = to curl up
hamstern ("to hamster") = to hoard
schlängeln ("to snake") = to wriggle
stieren ("to bull") = to goggle
unken ("to toad") = to gripe, augur doom
tigern ("to tiger") - to walk tigerishly
Animaljoy our language!
I want to see the Liebestod sequences from this movie, L'Age d'or, and Borzage's Farewell to Arms synchronized into a triple-screen extravaganza.
I love the idea of somebody in 1944 (or now) hearing of a movie called CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY starring Deanna Durbin and Gene Kelly, thinking "That sounds like a heartwarming holiday romp," and being exposed to this:
#filmnoir #itsnotawonderfullife
I hope he gets to lie in state in the LA Zoo parking lot. The line would go to Burbank.
New: A 21-year antedating of interjectional "shit", which I wrote up for the Strong Language blog:
Like pretty much anyone who ever heard his music or met him, we were gutted to learn yesterday that Hamish Kilgour has passed.
Soon after we moved into our building in Jersey City Hamish came and painted the inside of the very echo-friendly parabolic dome on the top floor. Here's a photo of Hamish and his work (courtesy of WFMU DJ Stork), along with some more recent photos of the dome. Sending love to his family, friends, and fans.
"Fish market, Milford Haven docks, 1979"
Every time I cook #Thanksgiving dinner I make notes to myself for next time. This year's list begins with "Don't try to get a head start on the cooking before having any caffeine. This was how you found yourself standing over the pumpkin pie bowl holding an open jar of garlic powder instead of ginger, cursing yourself and the alphabet."
New Web Project Immortalizes the Overlooked Women Who Helped Create Rock and Roll in the 1950s
Obsolete skills specialist