According to the map of the world I should feel "ethnically" connected to two "communities": (a) part of the southeast quadrant of Ireland and (b) the entirety of Central Europe, much of Russia, and some bonus China?

Of all the vermin that have menaced our vegetable garden over the years, this one is the most infuriatingly cute.

Season's greetings from eight-year-old me, who recognized the importance of managing expectations

Every time I cook dinner I make notes to myself for next time. This year's list begins with "Don't try to get a head start on the cooking before having any caffeine. This was how you found yourself standing over the pumpkin pie bowl holding an open jar of garlic powder instead of ginger, cursing yourself and the alphabet."

Me: I don't remember which one was supposed to be happy and which one was supposed to be sad.
He: After a certain point it's all just anguish. Nuthin' you can do.

Have recently come into possession of the opera glasses my grandmother brought with her from Vienna. Unlikely I'll be going to the opera anytime soon, but I am feeling a strange impulse to spy on the neighbors and write withering comments about them in my nonexistent journal. Imagining early 20th-century Viennese Nextdoor: schrecklich, but also köstlich

Basic models of flocking behavior are controlled by three simple rules: 1) separation: avoid crowding neighbours (short range repulsion); 2) alignment: steer towards average heading of neighbors; 3) cohesion: steer towards average position of neighbors (long range attraction). With these three simple rules, the flock moves in an extremely realistic way.