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General Mills Boo-berry breakfast cereal says Trans Rights!

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There need to be more gay moms in anime.

Or just in general

Looking back over the old code was a trip: there were areas that trigged the itch to go back and refine, revise, and refactor, but also broad swathes of really well-factored, well-structured, well-documented code that sung to me out over the years.

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Just wrapped up a 4 hour pair programming session with @bass_rock: I helped him hot-wire an Objective-C library I wrote in 2018 to run in our new Swift codebase.

It was exhausting (I could barely form coherent sentences by the end), but also the most fun I’ve had with anything programming related in years.

Very few of my iOS contributions at Mozilla/Pocket ever made it into users’ hands; I’m proud that one of the few things that did was worth fighting for to preserve a little bit longer.

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The Borg queen on #StarTrek implies the existence of a middle class of Borg, the Borgeoisie

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I'm fixing another laserdisc player, and you'll never guess what common part I just had to buy a replacement for!


Selfie. Eye contact. Mad colors. 

I spent February sleeping off my FFS, and I’ve been glued to my desk all month trying to help my iOS engineers put their best feet forward.

Today, I brought some of my favorite colors to work with me.

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This week on #StainedGlassWoman is a bit of a departure--it's an article that isn't for #trans people!

One thing I see a lot of in our circles is people getting tired of doing Trans 101 over and over again for well-meaning but clueless friends, family members, and coworkers.

"What Does All This Trans Stuff Mean?" is written as a hand-off guide to explain the basics of being trans to someone with zero experience.

So drop in, and grab something to save you some work!

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Surely I'm not the first person to suffer from an earworm in which the opening line of Venus in Furs is replaced by "tiny, tiny, tiny books of leather"

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A group of Interactive Fiction critics are working to start an online magazine of IF theory and criticism. We're looking for a few editors to pitch in.

We will publish great analysis for non-academic audiences. We are an inclusive team that welcomes inquiries from members of underrepresented groups.

Expertise with choice IF would be especially helpful, though this is not a requirement.

A not-for-profit labor of love.

PM me for details.

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The people who work for you have three resources: time, energy, and give-a-fuck.

Time is the cheapest. It replenishes one hour every hour.

Energy is more expensive. When you're out, you need lots of time off to recharge.

Once give-a-fuck is burned, it's gone forever.

Trans Selfie; Eye Contact; Cameras Lie 

Cameras lie. If I have a studio light and time, I can usually coax mine to lie in my favor. Of course, the splotchy-faced, blue-bearded selfie I sent out to close friends this morning is enough to make me doubt myself when I say that. Doubt. I’ll have mine with cookies, please.

Anyway, here’s a good lie my camera told me earlier this week.


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I blame toxic masculinity for the existence of audiophile woo. Basically if there were less stigma for men who just want things that look pretty and match none of this stuff would need technical “justification” You want your cables braided or with decorative baubles? great make it look real cute. I have a rainbow cable with soft padding. I don’t feel any need to justify why it’s better. It’s cute.

It’s ok to like something because it’s pretty.

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THE FIRST THING THE BIDEN ADMIN SHOULD DO to tackle #StudentLoanDebt is to undercut the banks by offering 0%-2% college loans, and allow anyone with Student Loan Debt to refinance their loan with the gov't.

That alone would MASSIVELY reduce the total debt owed by millions of graduates.

"Debt Forgiveness" is a hard sell on the Right, but the GOP can't stop the U.S. Treasury from offering low interest loans. @ThomHartmann

That said, … 🤔… the perk to the dress is how uncomfortable it will prolly make all the cishet dudes at this thing. That appeals to my inner gremlin; I sometimes love making people uncomfortable.

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I ordered a custom-sized Star Wars costume for a birthday party thing next in LA next Thursday, but I’m starting to doubt it will arrive on time, so I ordered a backup.

I’ll wear it if I have to, but I’d much prefer something I can stack layers under: the venue’s lake adjacent; it’s going to be cold

Plus, even with tights, that’s going to be a very short hemline on 6,1” me. Like, _mini_.

Beautiful drunk women 

Last night, @pauline and I got together for the first time since October, when we had shared a bottle of wine in anticipation of our forthcoming FFS operations.

Four months without seeing my transition sister was really, really hard. I basically vomited non sequiter snippets of all of the conversations I’d been saving for her in one slurry, blurry run-on sentence.

Also, there was this wonderfully hideous cocktail with Fernet and banana liqueur.

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The anti-trans crusade at the New York Times is so sudden and so intense that it seems almost certain to stem from a personal agenda. So, whose agenda is it? At XTra, I tried to find out:

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Basic models of flocking behavior are controlled by three simple rules: 1) separation: avoid crowding neighbours (short range repulsion); 2) alignment: steer towards average heading of neighbors; 3) cohesion: steer towards average position of neighbors (long range attraction). With these three simple rules, the flock moves in an extremely realistic way.