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When George Hayward was as Facebook data-scientist, his bosses ordered him to run a #NegativeTest, updating Messenger to deliberately drain users' batteries, in order to determine how power-hungry various parts of the apps were. Hayward refused, and FB fired him, and he sued:


If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:


I not only need more shelves for books, but also more shelves for adorable little dioramas like this.

nicole boosted

People worry a lot about losing knowledge — about "burned-down libraries".

Comparatively few people seem to worry about what happens if you take a billion books full of auto-generated, often-untrue junk text and *add* them all to the library.

In theory, nothing is lost. In reality, everything is lost, because nothing useful can now be found.

nicole boosted

Warm regards to Hypatia and to all the keepers of books from Ancient Egypt to this present moment.
If you live in a state where books are being banned, the Brooklyn Public Library offers a free eCard nationwide to those aged 13 to 21 to access their entire digital catalog for one year in an effort to combat this horrendous act.

nicole boosted

i mean the thing is if you just looked at "this person is head of {x} company and {x} company has done this impressive thing," i get how maybe - maybe - you might attribute that to the person

(though i still think this requires unforgivable naivete about how capitalism works)

but every time - and not just recently - Musk opened his mouth, he said something OBVIOUSLY ridiculous that betrayed he was a fantasist not a technologist

he NEVER had coherent proposals, just wild ideas. BAD, wild ideas

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Man if only there were some kind of popular song about people overreacting to balloons and interpreting them as military action in need of response. Maybe in german

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All tech people should be forced to test their fancy new software on 5-year-old hardware with a rural internet connection.

Okay. It’s time. I’m finally ready to watch .

I can do this.

Neelix won’t actually eat me.

The Kazon don’t actually look ridiculous (actually, yes, they do).

nicole boosted

Q: What is a Disney lawyer's most favorite Windows command?

ipconfig /renew

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nicole boosted

Plucked from the archives.

Spotted this bit of overgrowth taking a roundabout way to visit @pauline one day.

It took a few passes under different weather conditions over 1-2 months before I was able to capture what I wanted in-camera.

I fantasize about going back and exposing some 4x5 sheets, but I’d need to set up in the middle of the road, right after a tight turn. Photographers die for dumb like that.

I think this one would be fun to print very large.

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Cartoon charicature of two smiling women unpacking a wooden crate filled with Black History books. The crate is labeled Florida Oranges.

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Shameful to see the College Board cave to the demands of DeSantis and white supremacists, especially as we kick off Black History Month. Just shameful.

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I’m scheduled for Orchiectomy next week and I’m super excited, but I just got my cost estimate and it’s going to be $8,500 😱

So if you want to help a trans girl out, I have my Venmo and Cash App on Link.tree 💕

Anything helps. Thank you!

Oh, gods, this table read. 🥰

Back in the Before Time, I was an occasional camera operator at the Community Cable Corporation. The control room and headset chatter in these videos gave me flashbacks.

That’s something I haven’t thought about in 30 years. Good feels. 😊

nicole boosted

Of all the vermin that have menaced our vegetable garden over the years, this one is the most infuriatingly cute.

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Flesh Gordon Meets the Cosmic Cheerleaders was released 33 years ago today.

Even the AI is not yet capable of creating such strange images.

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Basic models of flocking behavior are controlled by three simple rules: 1) separation: avoid crowding neighbours (short range repulsion); 2) alignment: steer towards average heading of neighbors; 3) cohesion: steer towards average position of neighbors (long range attraction). With these three simple rules, the flock moves in an extremely realistic way.