The other thing I seem to have hundreds of are weird computer cables. 🙄
If it doesn’t terminate in USB-C, it’s gone. I only have the work laptop and the one pink iMac (leave me alone; it’s super cute). The desire to tinker with these things was put to rest years ago; I’d rather focus on my cooking.
@Ultrarunfamily this is the trap!! You know you’ll need one some day, so you keep a hundred of them!! 🐍
@nicole It is, and my house is full of things like that. I should just toss it all and chance it, I can probably spring for a new one if needed. 🤣. I also have many games. I love the idea of games, but hate playing most of them. The new cooperative games are more enjoyable to me but getting someone else to play is challenging.
@Ultrarunfamily i feel or have felt all of this. I recommend collecting games over playing them: less disappointing. 😂 Every game is perfect until it hits the table.
@nicole I always find the use for an oddball cord soon after I decide to get rid of it. This is why I have boxes of them around my house…