Wiping away the tears and snuggling up with Eidhof’s Advanced .

Every once and awhile, usually towards the end of a chapter, there’s a sentence or two that are just too square for me to easily squeeze through my round eye holes.

“Under the hood, instance methods are modeled as functions that, given an instance, return another function that then operates on the instance.”


Read. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Ahhhhhhh.

If you know me, you might wonder, “Nicole, you’ve been an iOS developer for 13 years; you’ve led multiple iOS teams; you manage a team of Swift developers—how is that you’re only reading about now!?”

Maybe it’s because of the lack of ABI stability; or because early versions had poor support for multiple protocol conformance; or the (still) immature state of the debug tools; or the fact that, for a very long time, while it let you do old things in a new way, it didn’t actually let you do anything new; or maybe because after a decade+ of C supersets, feels like safety scissors.


Or maybe it’s just because, on my character sheet, there is one tag that stands above them all: . 😌

Yeah, that’s probably it.

@nicole If it makes you feel better, I learned “opsimath” ten seconds ago and I’m 44!

@pauline Oh no you didn’t: you learned it in the LawBox office in Berkeley, right after I showed off my then brand-new party trick of knowing the order of the months of the year. 📆🥳

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Basic models of flocking behavior are controlled by three simple rules: 1) separation: avoid crowding neighbours (short range repulsion); 2) alignment: steer towards average heading of neighbors; 3) cohesion: steer towards average position of neighbors (long range attraction). With these three simple rules, the flock moves in an extremely realistic way.