Photographic proof that @pauline dragged me into a trans bar and I didn’t run away (this time).

This top was not so midriffy on its original owner but it seems I have some sort of distinct spatial extension going on

“Even when you can’t make out the whole shape of a coming catastrophe, you might well feel that you’re living in an idyll, and count the hours.”

@pauline riffs on Auden, and on love in a time of politics:

Back from San Diego Comic-Con.@pauline and I dressed up; there was dancing; Tori Amos played. Best one yet.

You could tell me that "klaatu barada nikto" was Estonian and I'd have no grounds to disagree.

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New plan: every time I run across a Thin Blue Line flag I will take the color scheme to be affirming US-Estonian solidarity.

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Basic models of flocking behavior are controlled by three simple rules: 1) separation: avoid crowding neighbours (short range repulsion); 2) alignment: steer towards average heading of neighbors; 3) cohesion: steer towards average position of neighbors (long range attraction). With these three simple rules, the flock moves in an extremely realistic way.