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Mira Bellwether, author of Fucking Trans Women, died today. The world is poorer for her absence.

I’ve been reading Rhyme’s Rooms: The Architecture of Poetry by Brad Leithauser.

It’s my mid-life attempt to compensate for having dropped out of my freshman course (and thereby aborted my English degree). I dropped out because I couldn’t “hear” syllable stress the way the other students could; scansion might as well have been foreign magic for how much difficulty it caused me.

This is a fun book. I’ve consumed it slowly, and I’ve learned a lot. Unfortunately, one of the things I’ve learned is that I really don’t seem to hear these things the same way that others do. Oh well. At least I now know why the only volume of poetry I own was a gift. 🤷‍♀️📚

Oh my, a whole list of (demon/ghost cat) films.

This is why I love so much: every is a gateway to hand-curated lists of conceptually-related films—genealogies along every imaginable vector.

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if you're reading this, you're officially a cutie

and if you know any other cuties, make sure to let them know they're officially cuties too

💗 💗 💗

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Season's greetings from eight-year-old me, who recognized the importance of managing expectations

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People who fuck up lots but can't admit their mistakes will be the ones begging to see people they wronged, when near death.

I work with elderly in LTCs. I hear ALL the #regrets from people on their deathbeds.

Please, don't leave words unsaid, no matter what. If you can speak up before deathbed days - PLEASE DO IT.

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OKAY I fixed it so that it says "An LGBTQ+ Ally" instead of the Energy Star thing.

I need to find the on-board flashing tool and stop yanking the EEPROM out all the time before I accidentally break it.

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There's a tradition in Iceland called #Jolabokaflod, the Yule book flood, celebrated on 24th December. Folk gather together to exchange gifts of books, then settling down to read in cosy companionship through the rest of the dark afternoon and evening.

Pyjamas on, a wee drink mixed, candles lit, and a new book ready to begin. A wonderful way to start the festive holidays. What are you reading?

#ChristmasEve #Christmas #WinterSolstice #Winter #FestiveSeason #Books #AmReading

I’m surprised how calm I kept myself as the gentleman cut away the old frame and used a razor blade to scrape the masking tape off of a 45 year-old piece of tracing paper.

When I first showed it to him, he asked, “is that from !?” I was honestly caught off guard: I thought this was about as deep a cut as someone could make, but a stranger got it in one.

I ultimately went with a reddish gold shadow box with the artifact floating slightly over a light cream matte.

Exiting, the gentlemen who’d helped me told me, “one of the joys in this business is when something like this comes through—getting to see this up close makes my December.”

Nicely played. 😘

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@rooster :ablobgrimace:

You know what has been funny about finally accepting myself and coming out? Realizing that there is this huge chunk of people with similar experiences. Never in my life have I've felt like I belonged more :chick_crying_laughing:

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Mastodon, the largest gathering of queer people who have printed out Mapquest directions.

@TheSpaceshipper It has arrived. Credit to the craters: they were thorough. The framing is pretty amateur looking, so I’m going to take it over to a trusted framing shop today and task them with doing art preservation the right way.

Lurid 1970’s Samurai Cinema 

I finished up the sixth, and final, Lone Wolf and Cub film last night. I am in awe of these films. They are somehow adjacent to both El Topo and Dellamorte Dellamore (Cemetary Man), but also Sanjuro, Once Upon a Time in the West, and … Troma? 🤷‍♀️

Extremely difficult to describe without spoiling, they build on one another in ways both subtle and overt, such that I have to recommend the series as a whole as one art object. (Though, the structure of the fifth film should be called out as particularly interesting).

I watched one a week for six weeks, and that ended up feeling just right: close enough in time to one another to catch the visual and narrative rhymes, but not so close as to wear the repetitions bare .

Best Film Series ever?

Well, certainly my favorite yet!

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All jokes aside, remember what Christmas is really about, people.

Rich people being terrorized by spectres until they agree to pay their employees a living wage.

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when you stare into the abyss and the abyss stares back at you because the abyss has to poop

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Earlier this year I built a spreadsheet of sci-fi book recommendations from my followers on Twitter.

For 2023, I've committed to reading one book each month from this list.

I want to share this list with my new friends on #Mastodon and invite you to submit your own favorites to the list!

Here's the spreadsheet where you can review the recommendations and submit your own -->

I hope you'll boost to help spread the word!

#SciFi #books #sciencefiction

When I was in last weekend, we went to a gallery showing of original artwork inspired by the .

This was my favorite piece. Unfortunately, someone had already beat me to it!

Mystery Purchaser, wherever you are: well played.

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Basic models of flocking behavior are controlled by three simple rules: 1) separation: avoid crowding neighbours (short range repulsion); 2) alignment: steer towards average heading of neighbors; 3) cohesion: steer towards average position of neighbors (long range attraction). With these three simple rules, the flock moves in an extremely realistic way.