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Okay, so the two sheets that were stuck together were unrecoverable, as feared. Of the other four: two were blank, and two were photos of an antique store that came up in conversation just yesterday. (😳)

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nicole boosted

RT @bgsprung
mind blown by a YouTube comment of all things

Or maybe it’s just because, on my character sheet, there is one tag that stands above them all: . 😌

Yeah, that’s probably it.

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Maybe it’s because of the lack of ABI stability; or because early versions had poor support for multiple protocol conformance; or the (still) immature state of the debug tools; or the fact that, for a very long time, while it let you do old things in a new way, it didn’t actually let you do anything new; or maybe because after a decade+ of C supersets, feels like safety scissors.

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If you know me, you might wonder, “Nicole, you’ve been an iOS developer for 13 years; you’ve led multiple iOS teams; you manage a team of Swift developers—how is that you’re only reading about now!?”

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Wiping away the tears and snuggling up with Eidhof’s Advanced .

Every once and awhile, usually towards the end of a chapter, there’s a sentence or two that are just too square for me to easily squeeze through my round eye holes.

“Under the hood, instance methods are modeled as functions that, given an instance, return another function that then operates on the instance.”


Read. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Ahhhhhhh.

Standing on scale to find yourself three pounds heaver. 🤔

Realizing it must be water weight. 😳

Investigating yesterday’s food log. 🧐

Realizing that the meal planner you used didn’t take into account the _salt_ on your salt and pepper bagel. 🫣

Realizing that you consumed 6x your allotted sodium the day before. And 3x this morning. 😵‍💫

Crying. Because, of course you are. 😭

T-4 Days.

The sheets I processed this morning are just backups of other mediocre setups (probably why they were never processed: why yawn twice?).

In one envelope, I found two sheets that are basically glued together. I have them soaking in a warm bath now, but I have little hope for them: the run-off from the first rinse was gray. ☹️

It's been a minute, so I'd forgotten that you need to load the sheets emulsion side inwards on a MOD45 reel. 😑

Also, I'm out of fixer.

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Eats bagel with a tablespoon of cream cheese.

Records nutrients.

Realizes has just consumed 1/3 of daily carb and sodium allowance.


I found a several sheets of unprocessed 4x5 film in the back of my closet. Tomorrow goals.

Next up: . I mean, if I’m going to play only one or two more video games in my life, it would make total sense for them to be B teen horror film simulator and a silly pirate puzzle box.

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I haven’t played a video game in a literal year. The interest just sort of faded away along with the testosterone. This doesn’t seem to be a commonly-reported side effect of HRT— just a me-doing-me thing.

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I had every intention of working today. I woke up at the workday hour, ate a workday breakfast, put on a workday outfit, opened up my workday browser tabs.

Now I’m sitting on the sofa, playing The Quarry, dropping off-brand Jeeps on off-brand werewolves.

nicole boosted

The lesson to take from the big layoffs at Twitter and Facebook is this: "The job will never love you back." No matter how much effort you put in, no matter how clever you are, no matter how long you've committed yourself to $COMPANY, when push comes to shove, you're just a replaceable part in the machine.

Keep your weekends and your evenings. Leave your bugs at work. Your time is for you, and your boss won't send you flowers.

For Halloween this year, the Pocket web team dressed up as , which was just totally fab.

I’ll stand by the grilled onions: I’m not sure I’ll have them any other way again.

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I just made a hot sandwich with some onions that I grilled in coffee and apple cider vinegar, and a slice of cheddar cheese. Kewpie mayonaise bound it all together.

So much for today’s sodium and carb goals. 🥲 Tomorrow is going to be a make-up Thursday, and it’s going to be brutal.

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Basic models of flocking behavior are controlled by three simple rules: 1) separation: avoid crowding neighbours (short range repulsion); 2) alignment: steer towards average heading of neighbors; 3) cohesion: steer towards average position of neighbors (long range attraction). With these three simple rules, the flock moves in an extremely realistic way.