Apple has responded to our Pride theme by spotlighting Pocket in two different collections in the App Store.
I can’t overstate how much we appreciate that: making a statement like this invites a fair amount of hate mail; it’s incredible when a big player steps in to lend some support.
If you live in the UK or USA, you need to understand one thing about the coming election:
You need to vote *defensively*.
Neither of the main parties are appealing. But if you don't vote for the lesser evil you may end up helping a totalitarian horror get elected.
Hold your nose and goddamn vote, dammit. THEN go on protests. Because if you don't vote for the lesser evil, the victor will welcome your protests with bullets.
The prize for political purity this time round is a shallow grave.
Key to unlocking growth in your career is understanding your work style and if or how to make it compatible with your workplace.
If your work style doesn’t align with what organization values you either need to adjust or move on.
For instance, I’ve realized I am very outcome focused and have a bias for action. I care more about results (more users, more revenue, etc) than the path to get there (technology choice, process, business model). A lot of organizations and people don’t work this way.
I’m one of those personalities you can just heap more and more responsibilities on, and I’ll be like, “More! More!,” even as my velocity slows.
But once you heap just one too many things, I completely fall apart, and my velocity plummets straight down to zero/overwhelmed/sobbing on the sofa.
Happy Monday, everyone!! 😭
I’m in the Mission, enjoying a post-Furiosa Wesburger.
I don’t enjoy these films so much as admire their alienness. This one epitomizes that distinction: amazement and boredom in equal measure. At moments, I was enthralled; at moments, I realized I’d been staring at my shoelaces for uninterrupted minutes while vehicles exploded above me. There was a moment I almost cried; there were entire acts where I felt numb. I was never excited, but these films weren’t made to excite someone like me.
Starting facial electrolysis in the middle of my team’s visit to SF. This means mandatory stubble and no Zoom filter to hide behind. 🙄
Arguably, this is either my fault for not starting earlier, or my fault for not starting later. Either way, it’s my fault!
I’m pretty happy with how far lasers and hormones took me, but as the other changes have compounded, having to shave, even if only every other day, just feels goofy.
But, oh boy, that upper lip line is supposed to be atomically painful 😵💫
The cascade of minor apartment advances: I bought a sofa and then a desk, then I hung some art, and finally I had friends over. I even baked popovers.
I need to sort out a few more things like refreshing the paint, and having cushions made for the window seats, but I’m starting to feel settled.
Or will, once I cycle out all the moving boxes that I broke down for recycling.
@Em0nM4stodon I think I'm wrong and right all at once but that's the fun part of saying shit online
🏳️⚧️ Proudly Trans
🌉 Bay Area
Product-Engineering Manager for a software product portfolio; former iOS dev; attorney (CA/IL); large-format photographer; marriage ministress; cinema nut; weeb; lifelong weird girl.
Lover of myths, legends, fairy tales, fantasies, and folklore; 6502 assembly aspirer; book hoarder; gaming nostalgist; gore-adverse, torture-adverse feminist horror film fan; food worshipper; Slack poet; ace-demi-recipro-crier; a total and complete mess.