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At the personal level, it’s been a very busy day at work, and, now that it’s finally over, I can start on the workday tasks with which I had intended to begin it with.

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Red Queen Theory—“it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place”—rules everything around me.

nicole boosted


RIP Kirstie Alley, who started her career as Saavik in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982). But not in the following movies (it was Robin Curtis in the same role).
She was 71.


nicole boosted

People always want to talk about governance and enforcement, but never cultural revolution.

There is no revolution without cultural revolution. Anything else is simply authoritarian.

nicole boosted

LANGUAGE: It’s enslaved persons, not “slaves”. We are people who were ENslaved. When you say “enslaved”, you make clear that someone else did this to us. When you say “slave” you speak the language and mindset of the people who did this to us. This is important. It is not semantics. #history #language #enslavedpeople #Black #Mastodon #words

nicole boosted

@amberosborne FINE.

I have limited options, living in a city and whatnot, however, let us kick things off with these fine, fuzzy Galloways.

Make it happen, Mastodon. Give me your Holsteins, your Guernseys, your Jerseys, your Simmentals, your Angus, your Herefords, your Limousins.

Let #Cowstodon COMMENCE!

(I leave #Coostodon to, naturally.)

I remember reading somewhere a few years a comparison to CPU: you wouldn’t run all of your cores at full speed all of the time; why treat your people any differently?

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Teams need slack. If your plan relies on every contributor working at full capacity all of the time, your plan is extremely fragile.

People take vacations.

People get sick.

People burn out.

People leave.

If one of your contributors leaves, and all of your resources are previously committed, how do you recover from the loss?

You won’t have resources to hire, to train, to pick up the slack, without pulling other contributors off of their work streams.

If you have multiple projects staffed like this, you’ll also have to manage agency costs, knowledge sharing, and multiple technical debt dumping grounds.

Again, if all of your contributors are fully committed, how do you allocate for these?

I’ve learned this lesson over and over again, but never seem to be able to teach it. 😔

nicole boosted

SCOTUS is going to rule in favor of this one wedding-industry bigot and fifteen minutes later the Heritage Foundation is going to start mailing "how to be a sundown town again" legal advice packets to homeowners' associations

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A good holiday reminder that when you see someone stealing food, no you didn’t.

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Officials came to offer #Zhuangzi #莊子 a ministerial job.

His reply:

In a Chu temple, a tortoise dead 3,000 years is covered in silk, kept in a carved box, and honored with rituals.

Would the turtle prefer to be honored dead? Or to be here by the river, dragging its tail in the mud?

#Daoism #Chinese #philosophy @philosophy @chineseliterature @bryankam

nicole boosted
nicole boosted

Taking care of a baby and a trans person are very similar:
- buy them cute clothes
- say their name often
- let them explore
- at some point they will realize it’s actually them in the mirror and they may stare and smile at their reflection.

nicole boosted

If you’re a leader, show your #vulnerability. Don’t pretend to be tough. Don’t hide your doubt or pain or fear. Your job is not to make those you lead think you’re invincible. Your job is to show them they can also lead when they’re feeling vulnerable.

nicole boosted
nicole boosted

Trans | Ship of Theseus 

How many fellow #trans people spent far too much time before coming out thinking about Theseus and has damned ship and is it the same ship or not and does it even matter if it is or not and how if you think of your body as a ship, and replacing different parts and...

nicole boosted

A friend asked me today, in all seriousness, whether or not my has affected my stance on astrology. 😅

I will say this: going femme does force you to reckon with a hormonal cycle of sorts. And once you’ve had your emotions spun around a few times on an invisible calendar wheel, it doesn’t seem quite as crazy to imagine other, invisible, cyclic forces affecting your behavior. 🎡

That, and sitting on a Zoom with friends and some tea, figuring out how Mars being in retrograde is responsible for all the troubles in your life is exactly the right sort of therapy for a Wednesday afternoon. 🫖

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Basic models of flocking behavior are controlled by three simple rules: 1) separation: avoid crowding neighbours (short range repulsion); 2) alignment: steer towards average heading of neighbors; 3) cohesion: steer towards average position of neighbors (long range attraction). With these three simple rules, the flock moves in an extremely realistic way.