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nicole boosted

We take care of each other.

Everything else is commentary.


Shabbat Shalom.

nicole boosted

I've read reviews and comments with variations on #WakandaForever being a love letter to Chadwick Boseman.

It's a tribute and homage to Chadwick, but it's a love letter to Black women, *especially* dark skinned Black women.

I think there's less than 10 minutes where a Black woman wasn't central to the scene, and present on screen.

It's also feels like a deeply respectful acknowledgment of the oppression and trauma we share with Indigenous peoples in this hemisphere.

Passes #BechdelTest, too

Trans stuff 

I was supposed to have FFS last week. It didn’t happen (), so work sent these sympathy flowers instead 🥰.

I get really (really) run down sometimes (jobs are hard); little gestures like this mean a lot.

horror movies; christmas; capitalism 

I'm endlessly impressed by whoever does merchandising for . The Hereditary Gingerbread Tree House might top the Green Knight .

nicole boosted

Will all of you please stop referring to Elon Musk as Space Karen? The original Space Karen is not pleased and wants to speak to the manager.🤣 :DS9:
#StarTrek #DeepSpaceNine

nicole boosted

Twitter/Musk, bigotry, negative emotions 

I feel terrified lately. The richest person in the world purchased the closest thing we had to a global town square and has started using it to push bigoted conspiracy theories. He's invited back Nazis and transphobes that have incited real world violence. And because Twitter was a company, that could just happen and we the people had no recourse.

So now the public square is owned by a nazi/nazi sympathizer during a dangerous time where right wing conspiracy followers are getting more and more violent. It all feels awful.

nicole boosted

I'm almost 29, which I think is quite young still.

Despite this, I've lived through enough culture-war-like events for it to seem obvious when an outgroup is being vilified as sexual perverts attempting to infiltrate the pure ingroup and vile thought-police attempting to prevent any discussion of the Truth about Them.

On the nose over and over again, you'd think more people served this messaging would notice.

nicole boosted

I was in today, getting some art framed and I stopped in at Muracci’s for some Japanese curry. Notes follow.

1. Yum

2. Wow, I eat so much less after having dropped 10 pounds of muscle mass in the last year (). 😳

3. Some of my strongest memories of Japan are of eating curry out of gas station restaurants (pictured).

4. I know everyone’s done to death with people snapping photos of their food, but I think there should be a special allowance for those of us who choose to use an 8x10 camera to do it.

nicole boosted

For people who found this filter amusing and/or useful, here is the full list I’m using, with some new additions this morning! 😆

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One of my absolute favorites from a recent trip to Oahu. It was a tourist hellscape—hotels clustered around the ocean like eyes of Sauron around a bath—but I still had an amazing time.

People are everything to me.

nicole boosted

The best part is that I'm labeling a beta tape to provide a supporting image for a mini-fic I wrote, which is about VHS tapes.

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nicole boosted

so since I am here now, allow me to do some SLEEP PROPAGANDA




and the fact that we are forced to compromise on sleep in order to fulfill duties to capitalism is an immense injustice and health risk.

lack of sleep obviously increases stress levels and therefore the risk for all kinds of diseases, but it also damages your brain on a cellular level because SLEEP MAINTAINS THE INTEGRITY OF YOUR BRAIN.

nicole boosted

If you're mad about what a billionaire is doing to destroy Twitter, wait until you hear what billionaires are doing to destroy the planet.

My partner spiked my coffee with Xanax this morning. This is why she’s a superhero, and I’m just some Jane slinging ink for the Daily Planet.

nicole boosted

transition, surgery 

To state the obvious, these are the stakes in the debate around gender-affirming care for minors. It's miraculous that surgical technology exists to undo much of the effect of puberty with the wrong hormones; it's still a hell of a thing to go through, compared to just escaping those hormones in the first place.

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I stand corrected. This is actually just a random shot from a 2017 trip to Okinawa. Wow. 👵🏻

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Okay, so the two sheets that were stuck together were unrecoverable, as feared. Of the other four: two were blank, and two were photos of an antique store that came up in conversation just yesterday. (😳)

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Basic models of flocking behavior are controlled by three simple rules: 1) separation: avoid crowding neighbours (short range repulsion); 2) alignment: steer towards average heading of neighbors; 3) cohesion: steer towards average position of neighbors (long range attraction). With these three simple rules, the flock moves in an extremely realistic way.