That really did cast a shadow over the next decades; it never occurred to me that medicine or culture might actually change, or that one might be a woman—in any sense of the term—without meeting some preordained standard grocery list of physical attributes.
In thinking thay way, I was unconsciously furthering the same stereotypes by which I was myself being bound.
All the older requirements placed such weight on being able to pass. And just as soon as I hit puberty and jacked upwards to become a 6,2” barrel-chested behemoth, I knew I could never meet those standards.
(I still don’t!)
Just learned that “you have to live as your chosen gender for two years before you can access hormones or surgery” was still the 🇺🇸 norm a decade ago.
As a young trans kid reading about that requirement in the early 90’s, it seemed like a impossible hurdle to jump; as an adult, it scared me even more.
My own first two years of living publicly as trans haven’t been the horror I feared. Mostly because of the wonderful people around me, but also because of medical support. Support—not gatekeeping.
@bass_rock @mozilla @dskuza @marcin Amazing seeing you all in the irl. So happy that the next opportunity is just a few short months away.
Here are some of my favorite pics of y’all from the meetup.
The hardest part about being in Chicago has been _being_ in Chicago. The alone parts, in particular.
I haven’t travelled very much since coming out. And when I do, I surround myself with the people who love me most. (There is no better armor) Being out and about in strange environs by myself (or even just with workmates) is about as far from my comfort zone as can be.
It’s probably good for me.
Too bad I’ll be spending the rest of this trip locked up inside, writing performance reviews. 😝
Trans Selfie; Wonderful Top
I feel like my face has been all manner of bloated, swollen, and inflamed since arriving in Chicago (lack of sleep; salty food; alcohol), but there have also been moments where I felt pretty good about how I’m presenting. Walking around Logan Square yesterday was one of them. (I really love this knit mesh buttoned top. It’s one of the few I’m comfortable wearing without also wearing jacket)
The scale in this morning’s airbnb, though …. 😂 I guess I _lived_ yesterday. 💕
Review for Space Channel 5 on Dreamcast from DC-UK 15 - November 2000 (UK)
you can download this issue in full here:
I love how so much of the AI debate is on things like:
* Will AI take people's jobs?
* Will AI destroy creativity?
* Will AI take over the world?
* Will AI be used to make people poorer?
And not:
* Will corporations that use AI get rid of people's jobs?
* Will corporations that use AI destroy creativity?
* Will corporations that use AI try to take over the world?
* Will corporations that use AI make people poorer?
Because these LLMs and machine learning systems and so forth aren't just wandering around randomly out there - they're owned by corporations. The corporations are the ones putting them to use. The executives that run those corporations are the ones making the decisions to pay people less, to increase their profits, to make creative people act as subeditors for LLMs.
It's the corporations, and the ethics-free systems that govern them, that cause these things. They're the ones pushing to have more AI.
The rest of us would be happy just having a bit more humanity in the world.
@YKantRachelRead This. 💯
@h5e thank you!!
🏳️⚧️ Proudly Trans
🌉 Bay Area
Product-Engineering Manager for a software product portfolio; former iOS dev; attorney (CA/IL); large-format photographer; marriage ministress; cinema nut; weeb; lifelong weird girl.
Lover of myths, legends, fairy tales, fantasies, and folklore; 6502 assembly aspirer; book hoarder; gaming nostalgist; gore-adverse, torture-adverse feminist horror film fan; food worshipper; Slack poet; ace-demi-recipro-crier; a total and complete mess.