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Back at the house for some dog sitting this weekend and someone is protesting my plan to do laundry by nesting on it.

I miss you too, you little monster. ☺️

Making a space mine usually involves a lot of this.

I have arrived. I spent the back half of today unboxing my new apartment. I need to buy some shelves for the pantry, a sofa, and a reading chair.

And a wine rack.

I really, really need a wine rack.

I won’t get to sleep there until Tuesday night: my partner’s in Dallas for the eclipse, and I’ve been sentenced to dog-sitting.

Oh, woe is me. 🥰

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Moving day! I woke up at 0400 to finish packing, lost the permanent marker (found it later in my bathroom sink 🤷‍♀️), and ended up labelling the last few boxes with an eyeliner brush and some premium soy sauce.

The apartment has good bones, but needs paint, spackle, and drywall repair—it’s pretty shabby looking. But, hey, it’s my own place for the first time since my 1L year of law school (the only other time I’ve ever lived alone)!

Happy TDoV, everyone.

Everyone’s journey is different; all are challenging. Being seen for who and what you are inside, especially by yourself, requires hard labor. Along the way, you will sweat and you will cry. So too will those around you who have known and loved you the most, because the only inevitabllity of transition is change. And change is hard, regardless of which side of it you are on.

My heart to yours and to all those around you who are doing the work to see and be seen. 😘💋💋💋

When someone sends you a photo and you immediate associate it with the palette of a promotional flyer for a 1980’s arcade game you never played.

Was recently asked by someone to print this one. It’s a 4x5 negative, so technically, I could dust off the massive LF enlarger in the basement, mix up some chemicals, and do a real print.

But my life is upside down right now, and chemistry seems a mean feat. I’ll probably have a lab do the printing for me.

If I carry forward with analogue photography after this downsizing, I’ll need to consider renting proper studio and lab space. I don’t want share living space with my hobbies anymore.

pink! eye contact! really cute earrings! 

It's Monday; I'm bringing the pink today. 💖

Acceptable photos of me from Japan. I bought the Lesley Evers Strawberry coat for the trip. Now I own it in 3 different colors. 😂

Latest Pocket nightly has an experimental feature I’ve wanted for years: swipe-to-highlight. 🥰 It trades high-granularity text selection for convenience and speed.

I demoed this feature at a hackathon during my first month at _eight years ago_.

Now, it might actually ship. 😂

As a rule, I don’t do a lot of photo touch up. I’ll crop, correct geometry (like I would with bellows), and clean sensor dust. Beyond that, I try to do the art in camera.

I made an exception for this image, which is a proper image stitch. That invalidates it as part of my portfolio, but makes for a good “what I did in Japan” photo in the vacation slide show.

It was pretty cold out there, on the frozen surf! I’m impressed that the Leica gave me no grief about the weather.

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I get a lot of grief from some people about my low contrast photos.

This 🍭 is for them.

Things you forgot you photographed because the wind chill imparted memory loss.

Visited Super Nintendo Land when I was in Ōsaka. Last time I was there, it was under construction; you could see some of these props from our hotel window, under tarps in a parking lot.

The Mario Kart ride was utter trash. The weird pizza hand pie my friend had waiting for me when I emerged from the restroom, however, was delish.

When I saw my mother last week, she tried to gift me a haggle of purses. They were all very nice, and very black, white, brown, and gray.

“You don’t like them, do you?”
“What gives you that idea?”
“Your coat.”


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Basic models of flocking behavior are controlled by three simple rules: 1) separation: avoid crowding neighbours (short range repulsion); 2) alignment: steer towards average heading of neighbors; 3) cohesion: steer towards average position of neighbors (long range attraction). With these three simple rules, the flock moves in an extremely realistic way.