
Happy TDoV, everyone.

Everyone’s journey is different; all are challenging. Being seen for who and what you are inside, especially by yourself, requires hard labor. Along the way, you will sweat and you will cry. So too will those around you who have known and loved you the most, because the only inevitabllity of transition is change. And change is hard, regardless of which side of it you are on.

My heart to yours and to all those around you who are doing the work to see and be seen. 😘💋💋💋

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Basic models of flocking behavior are controlled by three simple rules: 1) separation: avoid crowding neighbours (short range repulsion); 2) alignment: steer towards average heading of neighbors; 3) cohesion: steer towards average position of neighbors (long range attraction). With these three simple rules, the flock moves in an extremely realistic way.