Also, if you're not sure how this squares with my comfort levels re: sex stuff as I've articulated several times before:

Me either! It's a mess up in here! *gestures vaguely at head*


@Impossible_PhD in my experience, the ace spectrum is less a chartable field, and more a violent, thrashing torrent of confusion and contradiction along which no clean lines can be drawn, if lines can be drawn at all.

@faithisleaping @nicole Yep. Tonight it's:

Am I uncomfortable with being flirted with because:

1. I'm ace-spec and mono and overt flirting is a warning signal for a relationship turning somewhere I can't go
2. I'm autistic and have never been desired except by my wife so I don't know and can't guess at the correct response patterns to genuine sexual interest in my body
3. Both
4. Both plus other things I haven't noticed

Which is a fun thought.

@Impossible_PhD @nicole Also

The relationship with my wife formed when I was well and thoroughly unaware of my transness and emotionally dead so I have no idea how to actually navigate these feelings even if I did know what they were.

@faithisleaping @nicole I did the pursuing of her for that relationship, which is an additional thing.

I've never been physically desirable. Some part of me knows that I am, at least to some degree now, but it's on the same scale as knowing how many moons jupiter has: a known thing with no context or relevance to my life.

@Impossible_PhD @nicole Our relationship I would classify as joint pursuit. I was pretty unaware of how she felt at the start (Apparently she didn't come to my dorm every week to watch the new Stargate because she just liked Stargate. 🤷🏻‍♀️) but once I got the memo, it was bidirectional.

But one of my core memories from that time is of the night before we got engaged...

She was studying for her last final so we couldn't hang out that night. I went for one of my evening walks and walked over by her apartment complex. I had the ring in my pocket. I walked up onto this little hill, sat on the grass. I pulled the ring box from my pocket and opened it. It glistened in the combination of moonlight and street lamps. "Why don't I feel anything?" I asked. "I'm about to ask this girl to marry me but I don't feel what I'm supposed to feel. I know this is right and it's what I want to do. I know what I want to feel, what I'm supposed to feel, but it's not there. What gives?" It was frustrating as hell.

I do think my feelings were there and guiding me even if I couldn't feel them. Still, it's hard. I've never experienced falling for someone, being swept off my feet. I can now—my emotions work fine—but I don't have the prior experience to lean on.

@Impossible_PhD @nicole I'm not sure if it is. I mean, yes I somehow managed to fight through the disassociation and emotional atrophy and find someone anyway. That's cool, I guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️ To me, though, the raw frustration of that moment, knowing what emotions should be there but not being able to feel them... and not knowing why... That still hurts to this day.

Fortunately, estrogen and progesterone are magic and my emotions finally work for the first time in my life. But yeah...

@faithisleaping @Impossible_PhD feel this. It’s equal parts amazing and disorienting to suddenly have a functioning emotional core after having navigated without one for so long. Did not anticipate it; extremely grateful for it, even if it’s a bareback horse in need of a bridle.

@Impossible_PhD @faithisleaping @nicole What about flirting purely for the enjoyment of flirting? As in, solely for making both flirter and flirtee feel good?

Being ace (I think? still?), I've always been of the view that if you can't flirt with your friends with the understanding that's as far as it goes, then I need different friends. 🤷‍♀️

Just me being a curious cat here, do feel free to ignore :)

@anyia @Impossible_PhD @nicole I do enjoy a bit of platonic flirting between friends just for the fun of it. In fact, to me it's an indicator of safety within a group. We can all flirt a bit because we know nothing will happen at the end of the day without consent and people are up-front about what they're comfortable with.

It's when it gets more serious and it's no longer obvious that it's just for fun that I start not knowing what to do with it.

@faithisleaping @anyia @nicole

> It's when it gets more serious that...

Aaaaand having basically never been flirted with except for my wife, I have no clue what or where the difference is. 🙃

@Impossible_PhD @faithisleaping @nicole Is platonic flirting something you would like? I would be surprised if you wouldn't find like-minded people around these parts...

@anyia @faithisleaping @nicole I haven't enjoyed non-B-- flirting in the past. In particular, I've tried Thirsty Sword Lesbians twice and it was UNCOMFORTABLE.

But idk about the why.

@Impossible_PhD @faithisleaping @nicole *tilts head* Hmm, curious. I've got no insight to offer I'm afraid. 🤷‍♀️

You've made me curious about this Thirsty Sword Lesbians game though... but I don't think I'd be able to corral enough friends into it.

@anyia @faithisleaping @nicole It's great in concept! Runs on Powered By The Apocalypse, and it's basically Enemies To Lovers Cartoons The Game. Think the new She-Ra or Steven Universe.

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