All of a sudden I keep getting these recommendations on YouTube for religious scholars. Like the actual scholar kind and they do things like explain what was in the dead sea scrolls and other really old texts and I'm loving it.

Anyway just bringing it up because I don't know enough about this subject to know if they are legit or not.

So do we like ESOTERICA and other such channels?

(I'm what you call "culturally baptist" if that matters.)


Oh yes. That stuff is super interesting. There's a TON of mysticism and occult in otherwise boring religion. It's fascinating.


Ever since I found out they tossed a bunch of texts out of the Bible I've been wondering "well hold on why don't we at least talk about that stuff?"

It's hard to parse the history from the religion though.

@futurebird @JenWojcik my favorite excanonical gospel is definitely the Infancy Gospel of Thomas. It describes the misadventures of Jesus as a supernatural child, and it’s so hard for me not to read it as the one-shot religious equivalent to Young Superman Whoopsies.


@JenWojcik @futurebird 💯 Absolutely the funniest. 😂

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