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Also, “dingbats cannot be left to their own devices” and “the dingbat is the true symptom of Los Angeles' urban Id trying to cope with the unprecedented appearance of residential densities too high to be subsumed within the illusions of homestead living.”

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I was expecting many fine things from Reyner Banham’s Four Ecologies, but among them was not the 'basic Los Angeles dingbat.'

UC faculty colleagues: please consider reading and signing this appeal to the state government to reinvest in the UC system.
The only way the admin will give our grad students a livable wage, without just shrinking our grad programs to make up the budget, is if the state legislature actually forks over the money.

@litstudies, I was identified as someone who might make #Middlemarch jokes on this site, but can #HenryJames get ❤️ here too? (and w/o a bk about a 🐳 ?) Here's my girl Isabel Archer,

"What she felt was that a territorial, a political, a social magnate had conceived the design of drawing her into a system in which he rather invidiously lived & moved. A certain instinct, not imperious, but persuasive, told her to resist--murmured to her that virtually she had a system and an orbit of her own."

TDOR 2022 in Hamburg

Mahnwache mit Die-In, Videoinstallation, Reden und Open Mic. Wir protestieren zum Trans Day of Remembrance mit dem Die-In gegen die gewaltsamen Versuche, unsere Existenz auszulöschen.

Legt gerne Blumen nieder, bringt eure Fahnen mit, haltet eine Rede und macht mit.

@queeramnesty_hamburg und
@enby_galactic_transtastic machen zusammen am Sonntag, den 20. November, von 16 bis 18 Uhr eine Protestaktion am Heidi Kabel Platz beim Hauptbahnhof Hamburg.

#tdor2022 #tdor

Only we can keep us safe. Sending so much love to my #queer and #trans community today ❤️‍🩹

Finished The Story of the Stone, and I must say there's a real age-of-Musk vibe to the highly foreseeable dynastic collapse in the last volume:

okay here's a first non-logistical toot: independent bookstores make a third of their sales between Thanksgiving & the end of the year 💛

pls consider getting holiday gifts from local bookstores, most of which ship nationwide

Just out: my photo essay, in collab with photographer Jesse Freidin, who documents the lives of young #trans kids. He shared 7 powerful portraits of young #transgender Texans.

Jesse told me: “I want to tell those stories before they disappear, before these families leave the country or state, before these families have to go underground.”

This story is incredibly important to me, and all of us at Texas Observer too. This was published in the November/December issue of our magazine, and now available online in time for Trans Awareness Week:

#LGBTQIA #Texas #children

(I'm concealing the photos because they contain eye contact, but I really hope you will look if you can, these are powerful photos of young people being themselves, and part of me wishes I didn't have to CW them)

transition, surgery 

To state the obvious, these are the stakes in the debate around gender-affirming care for minors. It's miraculous that surgical technology exists to undo much of the effect of puberty with the wrong hormones; it's still a hell of a thing to go through, compared to just escaping those hormones in the first place.

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transition, surgery 

Made it through surgery, results currently hidden under swelling + mummy bandages but doc says it went well. I had like five nurses on different shifts and all of them were incredible - all praise and material support to nurses! That said, the overnight hospital experience was still painful and frightening enough that I wouldn't recommend it to tourists.

12 hours till

He imagined that this was an ability he shared with most other people
They had also molded their faces according to some ideal
Maybe they imagined their new face
Would better suit their personality
Or maybe they imagined that their personality
Would be forced to change to fit the new appearance
This is why first impressions are often correct


If tea spread to your country by sea you call it tea, if it spread by land you call it chai. This is because the ports of Fujian and Taiwan use the coastal pronunciation "te", whereas Mandarin uses "chá"



BREAKING: 48K University of Calfornia TAs, postdocs & other student workers just walked off the job.

It's the largest strike in the US since 2019.

Many UC workers earn < $24k/yr. A PhD student I spoke to said they donate blood plasma to make ends meet.


Trans awareness 0: repair people come to the house, I'm "he" and "sir" despite having changed clothes and stuff

Trans awareness 1: hair gets longer, I do the voice work, I'm now "ma'am" and "miss" but the repair people also address me like I don't understand the functioning of my own house

Trans awareness n+1: something shifts and the repair people revert to addressing me like I know what I'm doing, which baffles me until I remember we just put up the pride flag

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Basic models of flocking behavior are controlled by three simple rules: 1) separation: avoid crowding neighbours (short range repulsion); 2) alignment: steer towards average heading of neighbors; 3) cohesion: steer towards average position of neighbors (long range attraction). With these three simple rules, the flock moves in an extremely realistic way.