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SwiftUI pros: How do I make a List with style .insetGrouped fit to the device's readableContentGuide?

nicole boosted

Doctor X (1932).

I’ll watch anything shot in two-strip technicolor. The palette—peach and green—makes a fever dream of everything.

We begin with a police tour of a gallery of scientist suspects, any of which might be a lunatic serial killer. But which one? (They’re all quite mad).

The sprawling sets are absolutely glorious—perfect for stalking stranglers and shadow play.

And comedy; because, at heart, this is a goofy movie, full of pranks and fools.


In Orlando, my best friend and I snuck into a Shul celebration. It’s the first time I’ve been to a Jewish anything since I got kicked out of temple as a kid. Returning as a 6’ trans woman was kind of fun. Especially the part where the rabbi sorted the crowd by gender, and all of a sudden my friend and I were on opposite sides of the room. Something about the experience made me recognize that had I not been fighting gender issues my whole life, I might have actually folded in with this stuff.

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But the only thing I have to share is that I’m bad at coming up with things to share.

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Been spending too much time posting on my work account, and not enough here. 😞

nicole boosted

“Vote NO on Woman Suffrage” 🙄

Not ancient #history, but just a century ago.

Source: State Archives of North Carolina

nicole boosted

Mitchell Baker from Mozilla tells the German news agency that we shouldn't "leave AI development to the tech-giants", that somehow "the training data should be controlled by users".

And that does on a surface level sound nice. User control and criticizing tech giants. Great. But it accepts the tech-giants' narrative: That "AI" is inevitable and that all data *has to* be dumped into these systems, that unfairness is a tech issue to solve with more data. That is not true.

We can also decide not to build these huge and wasteful statistical systems.

nicole boosted

Criterion Channel has at least four different horror film slates running for October this year.

Between 90’s Horror, Hopping Hong Kong Vampires, Art-House Horror, and Pre-Code Horror, I’m paralyzed with indecision as to what to watch.

nicole boosted

Frankenhooker (1990) is on the Criterion Slate of 90’s horror films this year.

I don’t think I can watch it. And not just because it’s awful Henlotter trash (meant lovingly).

At the end of the film, the protoganist wakes to find himself transformed into a woman (in the most 😝 way possible).

Twelve year-old me was deeply disturbed. Not at the transformation, but at the protagonist’s horrified reaction to the change—how could anyone be upset by something so wonderful?

nicole boosted

What can I say about Disney’s Galactic Starcruiser?

Let’s find out, shall we? ☺️

nicole boosted

If I cannot compartmentalize my identities with your social app, I cannot truly protect my privacy.

Allowing multiple accounts for social apps is an important feature.

#Privacy 🔒

Barbiecore levels of hot, checked pink 

Found this outfit in the clearance section of Tristan’s in Montreal. The clerks looked at me like I was crazy when I picked it out. ☺️

nicole boosted

Last night was Sylvan Esso at the Greek Theatre in Berkeley. I actually bought the tickets for the opener, Indigo de Souza, but she had to cancel for a family emergency. Still a good show! Programming the lights must have been a lot of fun!!

nicole boosted

Just wrapped up Dragon Inn (1967).

I’ve been slowly rolling through King Hu’s oeuvre ever since being tipped off about Touch of Zen (1971) last year (on Mastodon, no less). I’ve enjoyed them all so far, and this one was no exception.

(I will admit that, for this trans-person, the final scene’s obsession with eunuch-taunting probably didn’t land quite as intended ☺️ Thank goodness for all that anthropology training).

nicole boosted

Software is ephemeral. Always capture and archive screen recordings of your experience—especially during development.

I deeply regret not capturing a screen recording of the UX for a chat-based multiplayer RPG I wrote years ago.

There were a few interactions I want to demo to others purely for purposes of inspiration, including the multi-modal message send button and the way that transcript history collapsed into cards as quests were completed.

It would be a pain to stand it all up again.

nicole boosted

More fun from the archives: article tiling algorithm for a digital magazine layout engine on the first gen iPad.

The content feed was backed by RSS. Google Reader during development, if memory serves.

Aesthetically pleasing layout required conceding that publication date was only one factor in sequencing, but how heavily this factor was weighted depended on the average frequency of publication (the more temporal distance between units, the more important that sequencing be preserved).

nicole boosted

“[T]hinking takes place in your brain. * * * It’s here here that the connections are made and the insights are formed. And it is a process that stubbornly resists automation.”

Up until this statement, I was growing concerned that Casey was attempting to outsource the intellectual sine qua non of knowledge. It’s along the edges of the graph where insights live. If you outsource that to a machine, you’ve substituted its thinking for your own. (Contra, a Zettelkasten)

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Basic models of flocking behavior are controlled by three simple rules: 1) separation: avoid crowding neighbours (short range repulsion); 2) alignment: steer towards average heading of neighbors; 3) cohesion: steer towards average position of neighbors (long range attraction). With these three simple rules, the flock moves in an extremely realistic way.