So I'm playing Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood and a pre-transition, not-quite-out-to-herself trans woman comes to you for help at one point, dysphoria hoodie and denial beard and all.
And gosh, do I feel awfully well-prepared for this.
(side note: the writing for her that I've seen *so far* is excellent. game has been great so far.)
Seeing family today? Want an excuse to get away from that for a little bit? Ask if they'd mind if you made their internet experience better.
If they say yes, go to their computer, and then download and install #firefox. Migrate their data from their default browser, and then set #firefox as the default. They'll be thankful!
And if they're already a #firefox user, then tell them Mike Conley (a stranger on the internet) is thankful for that. :)
@Em0nM4stodon Ahh, emoji, the modern Esperanto. list is just cool thing to go to for the quite time at the end of the day instead of all other places I used to go to ...
Drank last night, so puffy today. This means lots of stares on the street. 😑
The tolerances for passing are so fine, all it takes is a bottle of wine the night before to push the needle to the wrong side of the divide.
Or sugar
Or an edible
Or carb loading
Or hormonal fluctuations
Keep hydrated; do cardio; say no to ice cream; learn to live with it.
AT&T Long Lines Oak Hill Tower, San Jose, CA 2021.
This unusual Brutalist tower was part of the former AT&T terrestrial microwave network that once carried the bulk of US long distance telephone traffic. The (long since disconnected) horn antennas are too big and heavy to remove.
Too many pixels at It’s funny. I’m one of those people who has incredible difficulty naming their own feelings, but anything involving harm to an animal triggers immediate and overwhelming emotions with perfect clarity.
I have strong anecdotal evidence that the same was true for my maternal uncles and grandfather.
It’s always been like this for me, but I feel like HRT dialed it up another couple of notches to the point of near absurdity.
Is crying on demand a useful party trick?
Here's what I did with my weekend. Still some finishing to do tomorrow, but it's coming together.
I'm really pleased with how the laser etching came out on the sleeves and shoulders (it took a lot of work, please clap).
🏳️⚧️ Proudly Trans
🌉 Bay Area
Product-Engineering Manager for a software product portfolio; former iOS dev; attorney (CA/IL); large-format photographer; marriage ministress; cinema nut; weeb; lifelong weird girl.
Lover of myths, legends, fairy tales, fantasies, and folklore; 6502 assembly aspirer; book hoarder; gaming nostalgist; gore-adverse, torture-adverse feminist horror film fan; food worshipper; Slack poet; ace-demi-recipro-crier; a total and complete mess.