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Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex.

Good book.

I greatly enjoyed the second half which focuses on how varied and complex relationships can be when sexual desire is absent, or, at the very least, not assigned prominence by all parties.

Yesterday was a long, grueling day, where I felt like I was trying to coerce an ancient steam locomotive up a hill by feeding tea bags into its furnace one at a time. 🚂

Progress was made, and we didn’t slip backwards, but by the time I walked out of my last meeting, I was entirely spent.

My evening was total debauchery as a result: tacos, tater tots, donuts, pizza, and a roulette wheel of multi-cultural television programming: high wuxia fantasies; danish supernatural slavery thrillers; bad, queer cartoon comedies; and a melancholic, long-lipped Korean uploaded-intelligence bullet ballet.

Today: a simple hangover; maybe some licorice cats and weak coffee. I am out of corn tortillas. I am out of fancy American cheese.

We’re just going to be here on the floor for a little while. It’s cool; we need it.

nicole boosted

trans, feminism, GCs, Britishness 

The other big discussion thats been going on between me and my sister these last three months has been about how essentially a lot of the GC anti-trans groups outrage might stem from the unspoken point that transgender people are Skipping The Queue.

The ultimate british sin.

2nd wave feminism had a lot of eggs involved in it, many arguing points from a position of trying to wrestle with their internal issues, and to find any slight balm of comfort from their gender needs.

The promise of the Sex Wars was that ultimately feminism would win out, everyone would realise that all femininity was a false consciousness performance enforced by the patriarchy, and everyone would become in effect genderless and neutral, which also just so happened to be in the shape of a man. As long as everyone stuck to the plan, thats what everyone would get to be.

Then heres suddenly trans men getting to be men BEFORE them, they're skipping the queue. Here's trans women making a mockery of our pain, perverted agents of the patriarchy.

I’m listening to a legal lecture right now, where the speaker just reminded us that we should advise clients to terminate seasonal employees annually to prevent them from earning paid family leave, and I am again reminded that everything is horribly broken.

nicole boosted

Cannot reiterate this enough:

PLEASE don’t request refunds from Apple for any unused time on your Twitterrific or Tweetbot subscriptions.

It could literally bankrupt small shops like these.

nicole boosted

The German word "Schwein" means "pig".

The word "Sau" means "sow".

Funny thing: You can use them to amplify adjectives!

schweinekalt = very cold
schweineheiß = very hot

saustark = very strong
saulecker = very tasty
saugut = very good
saucool = very cool

Enjoy our 🐷 language!


nicole boosted

literally begging people playing #worldle and posting result here to use a CW.

posting a mass of emoji to the TL is awful for people using screen readers.

this goes for any other game which uses masses of emoji, wordle, quordle or whatevs. please, stop

nicole boosted
Reminder brave browser only exits because it's founder got kicked from Mozilla for being anti lgbt

He's been known too donate to groups that'd have lgbt rights removed and publicly hated the legislation of gay marriage

Also for selling you crappy crypto pennys

and then kinda lieing to you that their giving it to creators (they hold onto it intill the creator signs up to it)
nicole boosted

The fact that Isaac Asimov was a notorious assaulter and sexual harasser leaves me with this old question:
Can we divide the work from its author?
In this case, I can't.
I've read the comments from people saying that bringing attention to this is stupid 'woke' behavior and 'the new McCarthyism'. No, your childhood icon, the golden age of science fiction titan was a despicable human being. We have to remember that.
#Asimov #Foundation #SciFi

nicole boosted
nicole boosted

I get that the GOP likes to pretend that MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech is a call for colorblindness (it's not), citing the "content of their character" line, but here's a little secret:

If you're the type of person who feels the need to cling to that line, free from context, then the "content of your character" is pretty apparent, and it's not looking good for you.

nicole boosted

Any recommendations for films to watch on Shudder/Prime?

Particularly British/European folk horror or anything Lovecraftian.

The Void, The Ritual, Colour Out of Space, Wickerman, Witchfinder General, already on my list to watch again.

#Horror #FolkHorror #CosmicHorror #Cinema

Very auspicious. It was 🥰 seeing Vasilisa turn up just hours after having re-read her tale.

nicole boosted

✅ Raining in the Mountain
✅ La Jetée
🇯🇵 Battles Without Honor and Humility
🤥 Pinocchio (2022)
🚣‍♀️ Céline and Julie Go Boating

Ah, La Jetée. It’s dream logic is as deft as its execution. 💕

I’d forgotten how massively influential this photo novel was to my own filmmaking experiments back in the late 90’s. In the early naughts, I wrote (and with a friend, photographed) a photo novel of my own, complete with a unicorn (of a sort) and a werewolf (of a sort).

Post-production never happened. I was in law school, and then I was homeless and poor, and now I am shackled to a very hungry career. But the negatives exist; anything is possible.

All of the stories I tried to tell were queer and filled with trans longing, whether they were about human-sized puppets animated with the swappable souls of birds, or, in this case, the romance between an ugly unicorn and a lonely virgin.

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(Well, queer or ribald musical comedies starring a mixed cast of humans, stuffed animals, and computer-animated sock puppets).

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✅ Raining in the Mountain
✅ La Jetée
🇯🇵 Battles Without Honor and Humility
🤥 Pinocchio (2022)
🚣‍♀️ Céline and Julie Go Boating

Ah, La Jetée. It’s dream logic is as deft as its execution. 💕

I’d forgotten how massively influential this photo novel was to my own filmmaking experiments back in the late 90’s. In the early naughts, I wrote (and with a friend, photographed) a photo novel of my own, complete with a unicorn (of a sort) and a werewolf (of a sort).

Post-production never happened. I was in law school, and then I was homeless and poor, and now I am shackled to a very hungry career. But the negatives exist; anything is possible.

All of the stories I tried to tell were queer and filled with trans longing, whether they were about human-sized puppets animated with the swappable souls of birds, or, in this case, the romance between an ugly unicorn and a lonely virgin.

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nicole boosted

AI art is the latest tech bro disruption of a market, destroying actual value for those involved and sending money to the idle rich. It's built upon the stolen works of others which they use to train their algorithms, and then they charge non-artists for the privilege of using their products. And no one will take action until the market for mid-tier artists is destroyed.

We've seen this song and dance for two decades now. We know how it ends.

✅ Raining in the Mountain
🛫 La Jetée
🇯🇵 Battles Without Honor and Humility
🤥 Pinocchio (2022)
🚣‍♀️ Céline and Julie Go Boating

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Basic models of flocking behavior are controlled by three simple rules: 1) separation: avoid crowding neighbours (short range repulsion); 2) alignment: steer towards average heading of neighbors; 3) cohesion: steer towards average position of neighbors (long range attraction). With these three simple rules, the flock moves in an extremely realistic way.