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Latest Pocket nightly has an experimental feature I’ve wanted for years: swipe-to-highlight. 🥰 It trades high-granularity text selection for convenience and speed.

I demoed this feature at a hackathon during my first month at _eight years ago_.

Now, it might actually ship. 😂

nicole boosted

Working on job applications on Saturday :ablobcatbongokeyboard:

Incidentally, do I know anyone here who works at GitLab? 👀

Okay. Fine. Time to stop stalling and go to . There will be tacos and Lesley Evers.

As a rule, I don’t do a lot of photo touch up. I’ll crop, correct geometry (like I would with bellows), and clean sensor dust. Beyond that, I try to do the art in camera.

I made an exception for this image, which is a proper image stitch. That invalidates it as part of my portfolio, but makes for a good “what I did in Japan” photo in the vacation slide show.

@Impossible_PhD and being ace is a multiplier, of course. Not least of all because, depending on where you are on that spectrum, other people’s impulses can feel extremely _alien_.

@Impossible_PhD exactly. It’s a very female problem, and a corallary to,“she wouldn’t have dressed that way if she didn’t want that attention.” 🤮

@Impossible_PhD I feel this. Often people think you’re presenting as a lure, when you’re just manifesting yourself.

It was pretty cold out there, on the frozen surf! I’m impressed that the Leica gave me no grief about the weather.

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I get a lot of grief from some people about my low contrast photos.

This 🍭 is for them.

nicole boosted

did anyone have "small bunny with smokey eyes munching on a grape while sitting inside a squash" on their bingo card for today?

#bunny #rabbit

nicole boosted

The Bookstore and Chocolate Crawl is TOMORROW. Starts 1 PM at East Bay Booksellers near Rockridge BART. It's simple: 1) we eat chocolate. 2) we visit indie bookstores and buy books. 3) ends with a nice reading.

Rain is supposed to stop by noon tomorrow!!!


nicole boosted

@dskuza @bassrock I think I’m taking a turntable, laptop, an electric kettle, and the Vision Pro. That’s barely enough to meet the friend bar.

@dskuza @bassrock I’ve heard this too, but then he’ll make fun of me for how few gadgets I have. 😂

Decided to take a step into adulthood and hire movers. Apparently, I’m not built for lugging boxes of books around anymore. 🥲

@Ultrarunfamily i feel or have felt all of this. I recommend collecting games over playing them: less disappointing. 😂 Every game is perfect until it hits the table.

Things you forgot you photographed because the wind chill imparted memory loss.

nicole boosted

This Saturday! The Bookstore and Chocolate Crawl happens in Rockridge (Oakland/Berkeley) from 1 PM to around 4 PM. Eat chocolate! Celebrate indie bookstores! Check out this beautiful map designed by Dorian Katz 😻

Crawl schedule:

1:00 PM East Bay Booksellers (and Chocolate Dragon)
1:30 PM Pegasus Books on College Ave.
2:00 PM Xocolate & Confections
2:45 PM Dark Carnival Books/Escapist Comics (and Afikomen)
(optional stop at Casa de Chocolate or Humphrey Slocombe)
3:30 PM Mrs. Dalloways

@Ultrarunfamily this is the trap!! You know you’ll need one some day, so you keep a hundred of them!! 🐍

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Basic models of flocking behavior are controlled by three simple rules: 1) separation: avoid crowding neighbours (short range repulsion); 2) alignment: steer towards average heading of neighbors; 3) cohesion: steer towards average position of neighbors (long range attraction). With these three simple rules, the flock moves in an extremely realistic way.